Monday, October 25, 2010


Last Saturday, as I was loading up the truck with our AV equipment after the Gathering, I was approached by a man in his mid to late 20s who said he lived in the neighborhood. He gave a story about his sister having a miscarriage and needing money for gas and he figured that he would come ask us for help since we were a church. I knew he was lying about needing the money for gas, but I was pretty pleased to hear that a guy from that neighborhood knew who were and what we were about. I told him to get his car and pick me up and I’d go with him to fill up his gas tank. He looked down, dejected, mumbled “Thanks”, and walked off. He never come to get his gas.
I was bummed that he didn’t come back. I was willing to help him, but not the way he wanted. It’s unfortunate, had he asked for money and been honest about what he wanted it for, I could have helped him. No, not with money. But with what he really needed. Since he asked dishonestly, and asked for the wrong thing, he didn’t get his need met. That’s too bad. I pray that I remember that lesson when I’m praying to God about stuff.

Curtis Young
Kansas City, KS

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