Thursday, March 12, 2009

Will Evangelicals be gone in 10 years?

Michael Spencer writing in the Christian Science Monitor stated "We are on the verge – within 10 years – of a major collapse of evangelical Christianity." The so called "Evangelical Church" is not divinely inspired, but the church of Jesus Christ is describe in the Bible and was established by Christ. God always prevails. Mr. Spencer does make some claims that have merit. One is that many churches today are not providing solid biblical education for all ages. Many in the church have no idea why they believe what they believe, some are not even sure what they believe.

While I do not believe the evangelical church will be gone in 10 years, I would agree that it will look different than it does today. My pray is that it will look different. Solid doctrine and biblical teaching will have the highest priority over "looking good" Christianity. Tell me what you think about the article.

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