Thursday, July 24, 2008

Planting Fast Growing Churches

A few more items from the study on book, “Planting Fast-growing Churches”

Planters of fast-growing, dynamic church plants were given more freedom to spend their funding in the ways they saw fit.

Overall, less control and/or management from the sponsoring agency was exerted over fast-growing, dynamic church plants.  The data indicated that sponsoring agencies need to give proper freedoms to the church planter instead of imposing a cookie-cutter church planting plan.  Those church plants that were a part of the struggling group tended to have more constraints and control placed over them.

Sponsoring agencies must develop a quality training program.  Leaders of fast-growing, dynamic church plants received one or more weeks of training designed to prepare them for church planting.  By contrast, planters involved in struggling church plants indicated that they had received less than one week of training.

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