Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Dan Maxton and Terry Martell define the advantages and blessings from God by being a church that daughters a church.

The Five Investments of a RIPPLE Church

  1. MEMBERS - The best of your leaders will jump at the chance to go with the daughter church. Be prepared to release them. It might take several families to replace them. But then again, they were never yours in the first place. It's your role to release them; it's God's job to replenish them.
  2. MONEY - Never does a church live more on the ragged edge of faith than when it risks its finances. There are two sources of income for the daughter church: the tithes of the core team and the parental gifts. When people go to the new church, their tithes and offerings go with them.
  3. MUD - The investment of turf and territory is key. Some congregations believes that no new church should move into its area. But no one church can reach an entire community. A variety of churches are needed to reach a variety of people. Wise leaders invest mud and release territory.
  4. MINISTRY RESOURCES - People take their gifts, skills and talents to the new church. The good news is that God raises up other leaders in the parent church. Often they are won't step up and volunteer until a ministry position opens up. God holds people in reserve until just the right moment.
  5. MOMENTUM - It would be misleading to minimize the cost. The parent church will gear down. There will be a lag in momentum. Just as a new mother feels postpartum blues after a birth, a Ripple church feels both sorrow and joy from extending the kingdom through church parenting.

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