Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Praying for a friend
Right time, right equipment and right knowledge

Mark Beseson has a great comment about evangelism and taking a picture of what some say looks like me. Look for the moment and be ready.
The Fields are White unto Harvest
A new study of more than 35,000 adult Americans by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life captures the depth and breadth of religious America -- 78.4 percent Christian, 4.7 percent members of other faiths and 16.1 percent unaffiliated.
-- Evangelical Protestant: 26 percent
-- Mainline Protestant: 22 percent
-- Catholic: 24 percent
Friday, February 22, 2008
Reproducing like rabbits?
So what do you think? Is your church plan, praying, working and dreaming of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What are you asking?
12 Keys to Successful Networking and Recruitment
By: Henry Judy
Lead Pastor: Life Point Church
What I came up with is a combination of 12 “Keys”, that help me create a method of attracting people to the launch team. These 12 keys are pulled together from a variety of sources over time but here they are organized.
1. Remember: You are on a God Hunt. You are looking for the people God wants to partner with you.
2. Never say or do anything that will tarnish the “Image of the Desired Future.”
3. Always have two or three “next steps” for this person in your mind before you begin the conversation.
4. Always Listen for Agenda Harmony
5. Remember: You are in Sales
6. Attempt to keep the conversation on “YES” rather than “NO” statements
7. Explore the level of commitment by moving from safe to unsafe territory. Once you have found the unsafe territory, retreat one step back into safety.
8. Ask meaningful questions that communicate you respect this person.
9. Always ask for the person to go the next step in commitment before leaving a conversation
10. Always ask for the names of two or three other people before leaving a conversation
11. Use a contact management system – preferable index cards rather than computer
12: Remember it is a numbers game
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Self Assessment
Shawn Lovejoy ask some great questions about ourselves. Read though the list how are you doing?
Those Self Assessment Questions...
Guys, here's the self-assessment questions I mentioned today that we can use to examine our lives in regards to our level of self-discipline:
Do I get up at the same time every morning?
Am I overweight?
Do I have any addictions (caffeine, sugar, porn, etc.) right now?
Do I take a day off every week?
Have I taken a vacation in the last year? That wasn’t mixed with work?
Is my email inbox near empty right now?
Is my office and car clean or a mess?
Am I usually on time or late for things?
If I tell someone I’ll call them, do I do it?
Do I spend time with God every day?
Do I have a consistent date night with my spouse?
Do I have a hobby I enjoy consistently?
How often do I exercise?
How much TV do I watch?
What does my appearance say about my level of discipline (hair, clothes, etc.)?
Do I eat right?
Do I have a lot of debt?
Do I ever say: “When things slow down, I’m going to_______”
copied from http://www.shawnlovejoy.typepad.com/